Ranger in Waiting-- Aragorn's story 3 chapter 8&9 UD 5/

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Ranger in Waiting-- Aragorn's story 3 chapter 8&9 UD 5/

Post by Pippin's Sunshine » Sun Sep 13, 2009 10:11 am

8) Ranger In Waiting

Introduction: This is my tale of Aragorn’s life. This is the third and final part in the tale. The first two parts, A Mother’s Love and The Little Hunter can be found at the scrapbook under serial tales. To recap: Aragorn has met Arwen in the woods of Rivendell, been given the heirlooms of the King’s house and has left to roam the wilds with the Rangers all in a few days. :) Thanks again for reading!
I decided to go ahead and post this, please forgive me if future postings are sporadic. I have a lot to do this semester and this part is only finished up to chapter 30! This will be a long tale and I hope you will stick with me through it.

Chapter 1 Meeting Gandalf

For several years, Aragorn had proved his worth as a tracker in the company of the Dunedain. Many times, they had been able to prevent ambushes by orcs thanks to his skill. The foul creatures rarely needed exceptional skill to track though, for they left telltale signs everywhere they went. Still, Aragorn was high on their list of most skilled trackers. He was also able to help rescue many of the Dunedain women and men who had been kidnapped by the orcs as well.

One thing that amazed him, though he did not want to know how they did it, was no matter how many of them were killed, there were two or three more to take the dead ones place. So little did they care for their own kind that they would often trample the fallen so as to make a bigger mess of carrion.

The symbol that the Dunedain wore was a silver star that pinned their cloaks down. This also was the only token that Aragorn had had to earn. Most of the older men recognized his claim as Arathorn’s son, but his worth had to be proved to those who did not remember his family. The raiment of the Dunedain was poor by higher standards. Their cloaks and boots were mud-stained from their wanderings. But, as the hunters put it, it was better that they did not wash their clothes often for otherwise, the cleanliness would drive the animals away.

Aragorn had been assigned to the company that camped in the woods near the Shire. On the way there, the company passed by a curious ruin. Aragorn rode up to one of the older men to inquire about the ruins.

“That is Weather-top as it is called now. But, it was once the watch-tower of Amon Sul, in which one of the palantir of old was said to have resided. But, as you can see, the wars and time have reduced it to near nothing.”

The Rangers were the Shire’s unseen, but ever-present protectors. Aragorn remembered all Bilbo’s tales on his visit and was filled with joy when he finally saw the fair country for himself. They only went into the borders by night for the hobbits were wary of trespassers. Also, the Dunedain were happy to live anonymously.

It was here; on the borders of the Shire, that Aragorn met the wizard Gandalf. He was already twenty-five and considered of an age to make his own decisions. The party had been tracking a set of strange boot prints. And it was Aragorn who found their owner. He came upon a small clearing where he saw an old man resting on a rock. Aragorn’s hand, on instinct, strayed to his sword hilt, but there was no need. At that moment, the old man spotted him and motioned for Aragorn to join him.

“Come sit with me and enjoy this day! Though I am armed, you shall have no need of that sword.” Aragorn was amazed that his hand obeyed this man’s command and then he saw the wizard’s staff on the ground beside him. He had learnt little of wizards, but knew they were dangerous.

“Who are you?” he demanded.

“Again, I say you have no reason for your immediate distrust of me, for I already know you. And you have seen me from a distance before. Which name should you like to hear first, son of Arathorn? To the elves and the people in the South, I am known as Mithrandir. The other Elven name I have is Olorin. And most here in the north simply call me Gandalf. Yes, Gandalf will do. To others, I am less friendly names, but you may call me Gandalf.”

Aragorn was amazed at the wizard. The old man looked out at him with merry, twinkling eyes that could barely be seen under the gray bushy eyebrows. For the moment, his head was bare, but Aragorn noticed a gray pointed hat next to his staff. And his beard looked unkempt even to a Ranger’s eyes.

“Well, if we are introducing ourselves. As you already seem to know I am Aragorn son of Arathorn. But to the Rangers, I am known simply as Strider. Though, may I ask how you know me?”

”Did you not already guess? First, I am a friend of Master Elrond. If not for that, I recognize the ring which you wear as an heirloom of the house of Elendil.”

“Then, you were one of Bilbo’s companions, weren’t you? Yes, that is where I have seen you before, though I was only a small child. From the prints we were tracking, it would now seem you were waiting for us.”

“Again, you have guessed correct on both accounts. Elrond told me where to find you because he figured we could benefit from one another. And I agreed to come seek you out. I have traveled far lately for the earth tells me rumors of things to come. If you trust me, I think you should join the service of the Rohirrim after the New Year. They can teach you much in peace or war. I would also suggest you do the same in Gondor. As you well know, the land can teach us much and it will give you the experiences that you would not get otherwise. And learning to serve is the first step to ruling.”

“Well, I admit you have given me much to think about. I had already been thinking journeying with the Rohirrim. I have never been there, but I have heard many of the tales that come from that land. Come, friend, will you not join our camp for the night? It’s getting dark fast.”

“Yes I will join you.”

Thus, began the eternal friendship of Aragorn and Gandalf.
Last edited by Pippin's Sunshine on Tue May 18, 2010 1:02 pm, edited 8 times in total.
“I will not bow to this Ranger from the North, last of a ragged house long bereft of lordship”
“Authority is not given to you to deny the Return of the King, Steward!” :gandalf:

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chapter 2

Post by Pippin's Sunshine » Sun Oct 04, 2009 7:59 am

Chapter 2 Dragons and pipe-weed

Aragorn never forgot his meeting so long ago with the furry-footed hobbit named Bilbo Baggins. He had always wondered what had happened to Mr. Baggins and if they recovered the gold that was stolen by the dragon Smaug. Aragorn had never outgrown dragon tales and it would be lovely to hear a first hand account.

Dear Mr. Baggins,
I am unsure if you remember me becaue I ws a small child when I met you in Elrond’s house. I have joined my mother’s kin here in the North. We are actually on the Southern borders of the Shire right now. I wish to meet with you--I never forgot about you or the Dwarves and always wondered what had happened with the dragon. Please meet me at Sarn Ford in a month’s time. I would prefer the night, as we are not supposed to be seen. I look forward to seeing you again. I have seen you roam the woods a few times, so I know you will be able to get away. I will call to you like a bird when I see you-I must stay hidden.

Bilbo was the only hobbit Aragorn had ever seen. He had been told they mistrusted strangers and to not get too close. There were few enemies in this part of the world, but the Rangers still protected the woods around the Shire.

On the appointed night, Aragorn waited. He informed the captain of where he would be if needed. It was not too far from the Ranger’s camp so he would hear any trouble.

Finally, he saw one of the Hobbits coming towards him. He waited until the hobbit got closer to him and then called out. Aragorn saw Bilbo turn towards him.

Aragorn stepped out of the undergrowth towards the hobbit. Bilbo looked up in wonder. “Surely you are not the young lad from Elrond’s house! I did not recognize you!”

“Indeed, I am the same. However, among the Rangers I am known as Strider. I have not been called Estel in a long time.” When Aragorn had first met Bilbo, they had been eye level, now he had to kneel down to meet the hobbit’s gaze. “Let’s get off the road. There is a hollow a little ways away where we can have privacy and some comfort.”

When the two reached the hollow, they sat on a fallen log and began trading tales.

“So, you wish to know what happened to the dragon? You remind me of the hobbit lads and lassies that live around me. They never tire of hearing the story. Of course, older hobbits are interested too; they would just never admit it. I have heard rumors that I brought back hoards of gold and treasure and that there is some buried in the walls of my house. That is only partially true. I did earn my share of the treasure, but no where near the amounts my dear hobbit-kin have imagined.”

“So you killed the dragon?”

“Yes, we did. But, it was at a great cost. Thorin and several of the younger dwarves were killed. There was a huge battle that involved men and dwarves and all manner of wild creatures. We had run the dragon out of the mountain, but he only attacked the town by the lake. It was actually the men of the Laketown who killed him.”

Aragorn sat back taking all of this in. It indeed reminded him of other dragon stories he had heard. “How big was the pile of dragon gold?”

“Much taller than even you. And there was certainly more than even dwarves could have ever counted.” Bilbo had pulled out a pipe and began stuffing it with leaves when Aragorn stopped him and asked what it was. “My dear heavens! You have never heard of pipe-weed! What do they do for fun in Rivendell?!?”

Aragorn laughed at the hobbit. “No, I have never heard of pipe-weed, but it seems to be an important thing to hobbits. I noticed other hobbits nearby smoking the same thing you are. The elves favor good wine and music.”

“Then, they shall be forgiven. Here take this pipe. I always carry an extra. Stuff it with these leaves and then you light it and smoke the fragrance.” Aragorn looked a bit skeptical, but it did have a pleasing aroma. It took a few tries, but he finally got the hang of it and quite enjoyed it.

“I shall have to take some of this with me. I am sure it is comforting when you are all alone in the woods.”

Aragorn and Bilbo tried to keep in touch as much as possible. The Rangers saw this as an asset. The hobbit provided much news of the goings on in the Shire and some things that even the Rangers had not heard rumor of.
“I will not bow to this Ranger from the North, last of a ragged house long bereft of lordship”
“Authority is not given to you to deny the Return of the King, Steward!” :gandalf:

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chapter 3

Post by Pippin's Sunshine » Sun Nov 01, 2009 8:03 am

Chapter 3 The Service of the King

The next year, Aragorn followed Gandalf’s advice and went in the service of Thengel, King of Rohan. He took for himself the name Thorongil, which means Eagle of Star. He had never traveled in this country before, but had been given instruction to go straight to the seat of the King in Meduseld.

As he crossed the river, the rolling sea of grass that was before him transfixed him. His plan was to camp in the cover of the trees before riding out on the plain. As he reined Melian in, she snorted and stamped in protest. Never in her life had she seen so much open land. She wanted to run free over it now.

Or maybe it was that she knew this was the land of the horse-lords where the most majestic and powerful horses were revered. Only the horses of the Elves matched or bested those of Rohan.

Aragorn had to laugh. “In good time, my friend. I am sure you will get what you desire soon,” he said as he patted her head. He quickly dismounted and began to set up his camp. Just at the edge of the trees, he set up Melian’s picket so she could graze on the fresh grass.

Over the next few days, the golden thatches of Meduseld became brighter and brighter, until on the third day, Aragorn came to the very gates of Edoras. When the guards questioned him, he said that Lord Elrond had sent him to join the service of the Rohirrim and that he was to see the King at once.

The guards looked in wonder at this travel-stained man. Though his clothes were poor, there was a strange hidden light of some ancient royalty in the depths of his eyes.

They asked, “And what name should we give the King?”

“Tell him Thorongil wishes to have an audience with him.”

The guard called over a messenger and sent him up to the Golden Hall with the message. King Thengel’s messengers informed him of the strange man who wished to see him. He allowed Aragorn to be admitted. Within the hour, Aragorn was standing before the King.

As he walked the distance from the door to the throne, Aragorn was amazed at the tapestries that hung from the walls. He guessed that they told the stories of the first sires of Rohan for they were adorned with many rich colors and in every one was depicted the great steeds of Rohan, many of the Maeras. Thengel watched as the young man approached and dismissed his servants.

Aragorn bowed low before the King’s throne. That was one thing that had been drilled into him while living in Rivendell; always give those in higher authority than himself the respect and recognition deserved.

“My messenger has informed me that your name is Thorongil and you came from the North. Are you of the Dunedain?”

“Yes, I am. I met the wizard, Gandalf the gray in the woods last year and upon his and Lord Elrond’s advice, I have come to serve in your army while I may.”

“Ah, yes, Master Gandalf is known to us. He seems to appear only when he so chooses and only when it is very important. Though I must tell you, it may difficult for a while for you for we speak both the language of Gondor and of the Rohirrim. I myself served for a while in Gondor and speak the ‘language of the elves’ as it is known there.”

“Then, I shall not have as much trouble as you think for I was raised in the house of Master Elrond until a few years ago when I journeyed North to find the kindred of my house in the Dunedain.”

Thengel sat silently for a moment then announced, “I will accept your service. Give me your sword.”

Aragorn unsheathed his sword and gave it to the king. Thengel laid the sword on his lap with the hilt to his left. “Take the hilt and repeat after me: ‘Here do I swear fealty to Rohan. In war or peace, in living or dying from this hour henceforth until my lord release me or death take me.”

When he had finished, he resheathed his sword. Thengel rang a bell and had a messenger take Thorongil to the barracks.

“Sir, I know you are the horse-masters and take good care of your animals, but I wish to see where my horse is stabled.”

“As you wish, my lord.”
“I will not bow to this Ranger from the North, last of a ragged house long bereft of lordship”
“Authority is not given to you to deny the Return of the King, Steward!” :gandalf:

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chapter 4

Post by Pippin's Sunshine » Wed Dec 02, 2009 7:28 am

Chapter 4

Aragorn was grateful for a real bed; though scant, to sleep on for once. That was one thing that he regretted about living with the Rangers, there was no real opportunity for comfort. At the mealtimes on that first day, he ate as if he had never eaten before. Root, herb and the occasional meat can fill one for a few days, but there was nothing like the taste of bread and wine. He found out that he had been assigned temporarily to the company that patrolled the borders between the mountain ridges, The Gap of Rohan.

The Rohirrim had always been friendly with their neighbor Saruman, but as of late, he had begun sending spies and orcs to the outer edges of Rohan. The orcs and now wild men were always terrorizing those who lived in those outer reaches. The Rohirrim had seen that as the weakest point although their northern border was never safe either, being so close to Mordor. Many times, servants of Sauron had invaded Rohan and taken many of the finest horses, always the black ones.

The only thing that bothered Aragorn was the killing of the Wild Men. He had been taught to withhold mercy from the orcs for they were the foulest creatures of the enemy. The lieutenants of Morgoth had made them in mockery of the Elves. But the Wild Men had faces, names and families waiting for them.

After his first year of service, Aragorn had already established himself as a man worthy of honor. The Marshall in charge of their eored was named Folcwyn. He had the same look as the rest of the Rohirrim, though grimmer. He also seemed younger than most of the other men under his command.

One afternoon Aragorn was surprised to find a summons to the seat of the king. Folcwyn had told King Thengel of Thorongil’s great deeds on the battlefield. The company had returned to the city for their mandatory rest. Aragorn quietly made his way up the steps of the Golden Hall. He wondered what this summons was about. He was trying not to be worried, but this was an audience with the king whom he had not seen since his arrival. As the guards opened the doors, Folcwyn met Aragorn.

“Don’t be nervous. If I heard right, the King has a special assignment for you. I must wait here.”

Aragorn nodded and continued down the hall. He bowed before the seat of the king. “Arise Thorongil. Your captain has told me of your skill in battle. I have a personal request to make of you. My son, Theoden, is still quite young, though I believe he is ready to begin training with the sword.”

“How old is he?”

“Almost eleven.”

“Yes, that is a good time to begin. That was around the same time that I learned the art from the elves. I will agree to it, but I would like to still go out on the patrols, if that is okay.”

”I will see what we can work out. But for the meantime, I will say no for I want him to begin as soon as possible.” With that, he rang a bell and summoned a messenger to fetch his son.

A few moments later, Thorongil was face to face with his new charge. He had rarely been around human children, but figured they really weren’t so different from the elves. The small child in front of him was a mirror image of his father with wavy blonde hair, and deep dimples when he smiled.

One of the first things Aragorn noticed about anyone was their eyes. Theoden had eyes of blue-green that danced in the lights. Aragorn knelt before the child and held out his hand.

“I am Thorongil and I have just received word that I am to teach you the sword. What do you say to that?”

Theoden jumped up and down with joy and looked at his father. “I really get to learn how to use a sword?”

“Yes, son. I believe it is time for you to begin learning. Now go find your mother and tell her the good news.”

As Theoden ran out of the room, Aragorn let out a laugh. “Good news? I still remember how mad my mother was when I was to begin my training. I hope it is different for you. I must take my leave of you for now. It is time for the midday meal.”
“I will not bow to this Ranger from the North, last of a ragged house long bereft of lordship”
“Authority is not given to you to deny the Return of the King, Steward!” :gandalf:

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chapter 5

Post by Pippin's Sunshine » Wed Jan 13, 2010 9:05 am

wow. sorry it's been so long since I've posted, been busy! And I'm at a road block further in the story so I 've been kinda waiting to post. Enjoy!

Chapter 5

Over the next few days, Aragorn just took sometime away from his own training to get to know Theoden and some of his mannerisms. He often took the midday or night meal with his young charge. He never tried breakfast because he knew it was the only time the child spent with his father and then he had to attend his other lessons in language and world studies or history. Aragorn always figured the best way to get to know someone was to share a meal with them. He learned a great deal about Rohan, its former sires and Thengel from Theoden.

However, one thing that really struck him as odd was that Theoden used his left hand instead of the right. He asked the King about this one day. “We thought it strange as well. We tried to teach him to use the other hand, but it did not work. It won’t affect your training will it?”

“I don’t think it will, but I will have to figure something out. I have never seen anyone use their left hand. I will let you know if I run into any problems. But now, I have another request. I wish to train him with a wooden sword at first. It helps prepare him for a real sword without getting hurt.”

“I was wondering about that too. I just learned with a sharp blade, but I would feel more comfortable with him using a wooden one. I will order it made as soon as possible.”

“Thank you. I hope to begin his training in a few days. I also hope that he can learn as much from me as I have from him. His knowledge of your people is incredible.”

A few days later, Aragorn was called before Thengel again. Thengel held out a short wooden sword to Aragorn.

“Yes, this will do nicely.”

“I wish for you to present it to him.”

Aragorn opened his mouth to protest, but was silenced before he began by the king’s insistence. “I know this honor usually falls on a father. But as you will be his teacher, I think you should have the honor this time.”

Aragorn bowed and took the sword. “Thank you again for this opportunity. I hope I do not disappoint.”

“Nay, Thorongil. I have little doubt in you or my son. Speaking of, I will send someone to find him. I do wish to be present when he receives your gift.”

Theoden was overjoyed when he realized this sword meant he was to start his training very soon. Though he had only known Aragorn a short time, he already loved him. He was one of the few adults that would actually take time to listen.

“The only charge I give you Theoden son of Thengel is to learn how to take care of this sword. It may look but a toy, but I assure you it is not. How you take care of it will cross over to when you receive a real blade. During war, it is your best friend and your life. Keep it close to you at all times.”
“I will not bow to this Ranger from the North, last of a ragged house long bereft of lordship”
“Authority is not given to you to deny the Return of the King, Steward!” :gandalf:

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Re: chapter 5

Post by Ringwraith-Wife » Wed Jan 13, 2010 8:57 pm

Very good, you write dialogue very well. ( Now I'll have to find time to read the other parts in the scrap book ) :yes:

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Re: chapter 5

Post by Pippin's Sunshine » Mon Jan 18, 2010 10:22 am

yay! A reply! I feared I had lost people since I've been posting so infrequently (at least this part). This one is still in the works and I'm kinda stuck about 30 chapters down the way so I don't want to catch up too soon!

The first tale is here: http://lotrscrapbook.bookloaf.net/stori ... al/mothers

The second links on the left side from the first.

Enjoy :hi:
“I will not bow to this Ranger from the North, last of a ragged house long bereft of lordship”
“Authority is not given to you to deny the Return of the King, Steward!” :gandalf:

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chapter 6

Post by Pippin's Sunshine » Sun Jan 31, 2010 8:40 am

Chapter 6

The biggest problem Aragorn had was the temptation to sneak in the nature-loving ideals that had been ingrained in him from the Elves. This was a problem because he remembered them all with such clarity; he felt he had to pass them onto someone.

Aragorn finally decided where to begin Theoden’s training. Theoden was very confused when he showed up at the training grounds to see a log raised up on two posts. Aragorn had to laugh, “This exercise will help you learn balance and how to control your feet. It was a favorite game of (and still is) because it is the only thing I can beat my brothers in.”

With that, he jumped up on the log and motioned for Theoden to join him. “Stand here and face me. The point is to get around me or make me fall. Last one standing wins.”

“That sounds too easy.”

“Aye, it does, but I guarantee you, it is harder than it appears.” After Theoden joined him on the log, he took a step back in thought. “I digress. I guess we actually need to start at the beginning. It has been so long since I learned these skills that I have forgotten the first steps.” Theoden looked at him puzzled until he explained, “I am going to get down so you can start. Walk to the very end of the log and then turn around and walk back to where you started. If you fall, you start over.”

After a few unsuccessful attempts, Theoden was able to complete the task. “NOW we may play the game,” Aragorn replied with a wink as he jumped back up in front of his opponent. “You can try to beat me, but I have never been beat by a child. A few elves yes, but they were all bigger than me. One and only rule is no physical touching, other than that, you may use whatever you think will knock me down.”

“Sounds fair enough.”

As soon as Aragorn finished the countdown, Theoden tried to charge at him and ended up landing on his backside. “Told you it was hard. I must get to my own training, but we will continue to practice this everyday. Balance is an important key to success in battle and life. Keeping your feet under you and keeping your opponent guessing at the same time takes a great deal of coordination. But you must also remember to have equal doses of love and beauty in your life. No one should have to endure war, but I am afraid that such is the times we live in.”

Theoden bowed to Aragorn and said, “Thank you Thorongil for taking the time to teach me all of these things. I shall never forget them. And maybe one day, we will meet again under the sky and our swords can share the glory of the battle.”

Aragorn was amazed and replied, “I, myself, hope not. For though there may be glory to be gained in a battle, I do not wish to see one up close and there has been no real threat of evil in many years, unless the seers are correct that Sauron has regained his some of his power, if it does deem true, I rue these days. You got me off track. I must be away. We will meet here again tomorrow after the noon meal.”
“I will not bow to this Ranger from the North, last of a ragged house long bereft of lordship”
“Authority is not given to you to deny the Return of the King, Steward!” :gandalf:

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chapter 7

Post by Pippin's Sunshine » Wed Mar 24, 2010 5:36 am

guess I need to update this, huh?


Chapter 7

Over the next few days, Aragorn kept his promise to Theoden. They practiced the balance game every time that they met. Theoden was able to stay up longer, but he could not make Aragorn fall. He could see that the child was becoming frustrated so he suggested that Theoden teach it to some of his friends and challenge them. Aragorn was pleased one day to see that Theoden had beaten him to the training grounds. His face was beaming with pride. “I finally beat someone at our game!”

“That’s great. Just keep practicing it and when you feel ready enough, you may challenge me again, but for the time being, we are going to start concentrating more on the sword techniques. I will leave up to you to continue practicing the other skills that I have taught you in your own time. I know this won’t leave much time for anything fun, but as time wears on and you grow older; you will have to take on more responsibility. I know that is something nobody wants to hear but it is true. And it is part of my job to teach you some of that.”

Theoden cringed at the word. He hated to do his chores, but he didn’t see this training as a chore because he enjoyed it too much. But he knew that Thorongil was right. He had slacked off lately and was becoming sloppy.

Gradually, Aragorn started teaching Theoden how to properly hold his sword. Aragorn had to spend some time with the sword himself since it was so different from his ranger’s sword. The blades of the Rohirrim did not have a traditional pommel, but were instead, adorned by two horse heads. The horses were as close to their gods as anything. This was because they were so revered as a stake in the livelihood of the country.

“Stand with your feet a little less than shoulder width apart and draw the blade from your scabbard. Be sure you hold the scabbard steady; otherwise the blade falls to the ground. When you draw the blade, you hold the hilt palm down, but not too tight otherwise; it makes a fight very difficult.” Aragorn kept giving his encouragement until Theoden caught on or gave up. Then Aragorn would push him for one more try and the task would be accomplished. It was still odd to Aragorn to see someone draw a blade with their left hand. When a bell tolled the 15th hour, Theoden and Aragorn went their separate ways for the day.

At the end of their sessions, Aragorn would always be at a loss for what to do the next day, Theoden caught on very quickly to most of the skills. But this problem was solved for him for a little while.

The next day, as always, they picked up where they had left off, but did not get very far before a messenger interrupted them with an important message from Thengel. “The king wishes to see you immediately. He knows that this is the hour in which you train his son, but it will have to be put off for the time being, he was quite distressed when I was summoned.”

Aragorn thanked the messenger and turned to his charge, “Well, I guess you’re off the hook for today, but I still wish you would continue practicing. You know what to do, so you don’t need me here all the time. I am sorry. I will find you when the meeting is over and let you know what of my services are required elsewhere,” he said this last part with a wink. Theoden had always been eager for news of the court and the guards, but that was one thing he was denied. Aragorn had always been willing to share this information with his young charge.

Aragorn was becoming more used to these messages and interruptions from the king. He had actually had a few chances to send letters to Lord Elrond and mentioned this as well. His replies were very encouraging. It was a good thing to be an unofficial advisor to the King and to be training his son.

When Thengel saw Aragorn approach, he dismissed the servants. “I wish for a few moments alone. Thorongil, I am afraid to do this to you, especially when it seems that Theoden is making progress, but I have received word from Folcwyn that your sword is needed on the borders again. Spies of Saruman were seen inside the borders.”

Aragorn stared in disbelief. What he knew of Saruman was very little from Elrond, but it was enough to know this meant trouble. Aragorn knew that Saruman was among the order of the Istari and that they were considered among the wisest in Middle Earth along with the elves. It seemed odd to him and unwise for one so great to make such meaningless threats.

“When am I to leave?”

“They will be back in the city in a few days and you will leave with them then. I am truly sorry for both of you for the interruption in Theoden’s training, but I am sure that you will return will all necessary speed to complete the training. But to put your mind at ease, I will have one of the masters take over until your return.”

“I don’t know whether to thank you or what, but I know that my first duty is to the men that are still on patrol while I am here. Honestly, I have felt a bit uncomfortable with coming in from the outside and then having the honor of training your son, but I know that everything will work for the good of all involved. So, right now, I do thank you for the pleasure of serving you and Theoden. I hope that we can sort something out with our enemies though. As I told your son, I do not wish to see more of war, but I fear that will not be possible for a long time, especially if those who are considered mighty and wise fall. If I may be so bold as to say, be wary King Thengel of those you call friend. I have learned the hard way that many you trust can be the biggest deceivers.”

Thengel was stunned. He had never heard such words of passion from Thorongil, though he knew the truth of his words. “Thank you for this unasked for advice. I can see you are destined for many great things. Go with the goodwill of the Valar and return to us safely.”
“I will not bow to this Ranger from the North, last of a ragged house long bereft of lordship”
“Authority is not given to you to deny the Return of the King, Steward!” :gandalf:

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Re: chapter 7

Post by Harthad » Wed Mar 24, 2010 12:08 pm

It's great, Pippin's sunshine!!! I was eagerly awaiting this. Thank you.
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Re: chapter 7

Post by Pippin's Sunshine » Wed Mar 24, 2010 12:50 pm

thanks Harthad. I would notice it needed to be updated and not have my flash drive handy, then forget! Unfortunately school has kept me super busy this semester! (As well as going home a bunch)
“I will not bow to this Ranger from the North, last of a ragged house long bereft of lordship”
“Authority is not given to you to deny the Return of the King, Steward!” :gandalf:

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chapter 8

Post by Pippin's Sunshine » Tue May 18, 2010 9:12 am

Chapter 8

*going to post two chapters 'cuz I'm waaaayyyy behind!*

Aragorn was slightly thankful to be out in the open again. It had been many years since he had seen the house of Elrond and he had grown more accustomed to being in the wide open rather than in a building, no matter how fine. After the company had rested a few days in the city, they set off again. During their ride, Aragorn talked with Folcwyn. “How many have the scouts counted?”

“Most, as you know, are orcs, but it seems as if Saruman has had some hand in convincing the wild men to bring up old grudges against us. I have never in my lifetime been assailed by so many. The orcs we are used to and are probably too easy to kill. But these men are smarter; they have used poisoned darts in more recent times. Our healers have had a hard time to come up with antidotes. That is another reason I requested the king send you back to us for a short time. We have heard that you were brought up by the elves, so we hoped that they had also taught you some of their healing arts.”

“Word travels fast here, I must say. What you say is true. I am learned in some of their arts of healing, but there is no one, elf or man that rivals the skill of Master Elrond. He served the Elven King Gil-Galad in the Last Alliance as his herald and a healer, so he has had plenty of time to perfect the art.”

Folcwyn was startled out of his thoughts by a scout. “Sir, the sun is taking her rest early this night. We should make camp soon.” Folcwyn looked about him and saw that it was true. Fall was to arrive early this year. “We should ride a little further to the shelter of the trees. It is dangerous to sit in the open on the plains.”

The nights were always the loneliest for Aragorn. At times, he would think of his mother and Elrohir and Elladan and his ada all back in Rivendell. Though the person he thought the most about was Arwen. He had only met her the one time, yet he had become instantly enamored with her. He desperately hoped to meet her again in the world. He knew Elrond disproved of the match, but for the time being, he did not care. Only he knew his daydreams that one day she would be his bride. Aragorn knew the only reason that Elrond disagreed with the choices of his foster son and his daughter was because Elrond was afraid to lose her. But Aragorn knew that the choice to sail would be long in coming for Arwen. She still had many years left in the world.

So it happened that this night, Aragorn drew the first watch. It was still early in the night when he went to rouse the next guard. As the watch shifted, he settled himself down on his bedroll and was fast asleep. The night passed without incident and the morning awoke as glorious as ever.
The company passed the remainder of the year in the wilds. Aragorn was surprised that the attacks that had been strong during the spring and summer had slackened. He only feared that this meant they were redoubling their efforts to be even stronger in the New Year.
“I will not bow to this Ranger from the North, last of a ragged house long bereft of lordship”
“Authority is not given to you to deny the Return of the King, Steward!” :gandalf:

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chapter 9

Post by Pippin's Sunshine » Tue May 18, 2010 9:12 am

Chapter 9

In some regards, his fears proved unfounded, but many times they were all proven right. And they hated when they were right, for it meant that the orcs and wild men were coming further and further inside Rohan’s borders and it felt like there was nothing any of them could successfully do to stop the creatures.

Over the next few years, Aragorn continued to stay and fight with the Rohirrim all the while training Theoden. The lad had become a small warrior in his own regard. He learned many of the skills with the ease of any elf, though that he was not. Aragorn taught him how to perfect his skills with a sword, bow and arrow and even riding. And more importantly how to combine all of them into a battle to your advantage.

Then came the hardest day of Theoden’s short life. Both his father and mentor would ride to war. He would be left alone with the women and small children, for he was not yet come of age when he could join the ranks. It was Aragorn’s thirty-first year and his first true experience with war. There were many battles fought, many were lost, but this was the first outright declaration of war that he had seen. The men of Dunland had been joined by legions of Easterlings. It was indeed proving truth to the rumor that Sauron was regaining his power by uniting all the men under his command to attack Rohan.

My Dear brothers,
I hope this letter finds you and the entire household well. We are headed towards the River Isen. There have been reports of Easterlings, Orcs and Wildmen crossing the river into Rohan. Even the King is to ride out with us as is most of his guard. I am writing because I know how you both love a good battle and I am hoping you will receive Ada’s permission to come join us as soon as you can.
I am well, though I miss training with Théoden, but I hope to continue those lessons upon my return to the Golden Hall. Please send word back if possible, if not, I will look for you on the field of battle.


Aragorn had tried to send word to Elladan and Elrohir to join them, but he was unsure if the message ever reached Imladris. He figured that though the Rohirrim were strong, any extra help, especially from his brothers would be most welcome. The party was headed towards the River Anduin where the scouts had seen the approaching army.

Of those who were to stay in Meduseld, Theoden and his mother, Morwen were the most fearful at the leaving of the Rohirrim who were thousands strong. Morwen had married Thengel in Gondor while he was serving the Steward there. When Fengel died, leaving the throne to Thengel, she chose to come to the land of his sires rather than stay with her own people. Here in Rohan, she had borne him two children of which Theoden was the youngest. She held her son tightly as she watched her husband leave. They tried not to let their grief show for now they were in charge, but it was soon too much for Morwen and she ushered Theoden into the hall. It was custom to watch the company process out of the gates, but this time she couldn’t bear to watch.
To the people of Edoras, it was strange to see the black-clad Ranger in the midst of their soldiers adorned in the green and gold of Rohan. They had come to accept Thorongil as one of their own, but he was still a strange sight to many who wondered why he refused the garb of the Rohirrim.

Aragorn had a sinking feeling this would be the last time Melian would ride to war. He knew that it would be a dark day indeed when she was gone, for she had been one of the only constants in his life. Her gray coat had long turned silver and she occasionally had a limp when she walked. But despite all of this, she still held her head high with all the grace and dignity of her sires.

So it was that Aragorn rode out to war with the Rohirrim with all of these thoughts and images in his head.
“I will not bow to this Ranger from the North, last of a ragged house long bereft of lordship”
“Authority is not given to you to deny the Return of the King, Steward!” :gandalf:

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Re: chapter 9

Post by Harthad » Tue May 18, 2010 12:22 pm

"So it begins."

Great chapter, Pip's Sun!! :clap:
"How do you pick up the threads of an old life. . . how do you go on, when in your heart, you begin to understand, there is no going back." ~ Frodo, TROTK
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Re: chapter 9

Post by Tari » Sun Aug 14, 2011 3:15 pm

Pip, sadly I am little late in reading this most enjoyable tale. I started with Aragron as a child and have enjoyed all of it. I had hoped there would be more, but do to the date of the last posting this appears to be the end.

Good job and thanks.

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